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Tax Advisory

Tax Advisory
Our tax professionals from different countries and fully understand the taxation laws of Mainland China, Hong Kong and some overseas countries, and are experienced in tax practices and tax advisory. By understanding clients' businesses, we can assist clients in solving tax issues in different countries, and identify operating risks and opportunities for clients. We help clients seek more tax preferences and improve cash flow.

We can provide innovative tax schemes for different clients with care.  We also provide professional advice with respect to corporate and group taxation, personal tax and tax-saving opportunities. We can further assist in cross border tax arrangements and international taxations, aiming at reducing tax costs for our clients.

Our Services Include:


  •   China Tax Services
  •   Hong Kong Tax Services
  •   Multinational Enterprises Tax Services
  •   Personal Tax Services
  •   M&A Tax Arrangement
  •   Tax Disputes Settlement Scheme
  •   Transfer Pricing Services
  •    Indirect Tax Services
  •    International tax consultancy services


Other services include:

Assist client to set up approved charitable institutions under the guidance of Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) 
UK tax compliance  - we can assist clients to compile individual tax reporting to the HMRC of the UK to achieve the best tax position 


If you would like to have more information about our Tax Advisory service, please contact our professionals.